Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Marsha's PDA website

Hi, folks. Marsha asked that I post a PDA website for you. This is it.
(Here it is in long hand: http://uashome.alaska.edu/~magladhart/Handhelds/ED_630.html)

Have fun- and behave!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ed Tech Standards

Focus: ed tech standards. Today in Juneau with the onsite class I will be talking about technology standards for education. There are two sets in particular that you should be familiar with:
  • Alaska Technology Standards. Last time I checked, many school districts in Alaska default to these as their district standards.
  • ISTE NETS standards (ISTE = International Society for Technology in Education); these are also what NCATE has adopted as its standards
They are very straightforward. The two also correlate fairly well.

ISTE Standard VI Tutorial. Also, in class I showed a tutorial I created about ISTE Teacher Standard VI, which addresses the social, ethical, human and legals issues related to technology in education. Go ahead and click through it when you have time. I am happy to send you the original PowerPoint so you can adapt it for your use in your classroom:
How to view standards. There is a good deal of discussion about the utility of standards (which there always should be). My suggestion is that you adopt the perspective that "standards are your friend." They can provide guidance for you if you are trying to understand what to do with regards to technology in your classroom, and they can provide "cover" for you as you innovate.